Monday, December 27, 2010

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Maurice Sendak

We are delighted to see reissued French in the mini-library of Maurice Sendak, the author of the famous Where the Wild Things.
A small box containing 4 mini-books, so many delightful little stories like Sendak can offer us.

"mini-library", Maurice Sendak, School of Leisure, 10 euros.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

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OMNIUM FINANCE condemn society for all the costs. (Information for Webmasters)

... / / ...

We Agnes MARCADE, judge, acting at first instance and by order contradictory provision in the court office
find that the court case is not properly before the action brought against Mr.
John F;

Let harmless the Company GOOGLE France;
Recognize that Sites : ominimum-finance-lesrumeurs. and omninimum-finance-victimesrobien. are inaccessible

Recognize that the words "omnium finance scam " appears
the scope of search tool, Google Suggest;

Recognize that articles "With omnium Finance, there is no
problem is like the cloud of Chernobyl of France, it
no "," Open Finance: real scam with fake
HLM "," Open Finance: investigation for fraud "and
" Omnium Finance hunted to blogs that tell too many truths
, Saint Andre scam "on the blog http://defiscalisation-sosrobien-
Borlo-ZRR- has been deleted

applications to Say As such the company OMNIUM FINANCE
have become moot;

Reject all other demands of society OMNIUM
Recognize that the company JFG Networks withdraws his request
counterclaim for damages for procedural

condemn society OMNIUM FINANCE to pay companies
Google France and Google Inc.. together The sum
of € 5,000


Read the complete decree:


Note: This company does not have time to answer the phone, nor solve the problems of its investor clients, but is totally disponnible to hunt blogs, witch but in this case, has the financial means to take proceedings
lengthy and expensive
(several blogs have already been closed)

Monday, December 13, 2010

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OMNIUM FINANCE: Col. Kilgore "C'évident that there was fraud, at least intellectual swindle"

Colonel Kilgore "\u0026lt;> wrote in message 11-12-10 , 10:14 AM

C'évident that there was fraud, swindling at least intellectual by dangling yields untenable for sale . Once sold, Sort this out with you.
So the machine to make millions binds, some owners can not rent on time and will start a bad word of mouth advertising.

To avoid this and make it last a little longer dream , you invent fictitious tenants, we sign leases false, of course, false tenant that does not exist pays not his rent , so we made a statement
to insurance for unpaid rent collect rents anyway, it predates when we found a tenant just one month too late it's getting there ... the scam the first sense.

The victims are reported victims but will not receive compensation , money cards, there are more, it has evaporated into the structures. Astonishing, no? a beautiful machine to sell tens of thousands of apartments 3
0% above the market price just stirring rattle the "tax exemption" , and when the pot pink discovered by the general public or government, to compensate we will see that u No damage of 500 million euros (low range: 20 x 000 apartments 100 000
apparently euros x 25% = 500 extra profit 000 million), there will be only 10 or 15 beautiful houses and big cars 30 or 50 of the 4 or 5 directors who built the thing to grasp. either 1 or 2% of

And besides, the cars will be on behalf of children, the houses on behalf of wives, there will be nothing to enter, with some collectible watches. ..

is how I see it: a trial, the fraud is proven ,
sentenced to 10 years in prison, made 4 years due to remission of sentence
, and in 5 or 6 years, two or three shots in the campaign and an artic
Toulouse in the miscellaneous section of the local newspaper

Oscar nügel

11-12-10, 04:23 PM
Posts: n / a
Default Re: Investing in stone

"Colonel Kilgore" \u0026lt;> wrote:

> [Open Finance]

[url] http:/ / = 1086691 & objet_id [/ url]

A powerful network and lucrative sponsors and godchildren 3500

Published June 13, 2009 By


"When you enters the Open Finance Network , usually co-opted by a close, it is first convened for two days of training. We learn a method of selling twelve links, learned by heart, with key phrases to overcome the objections of prospective customers , "said one former adviser
. "The next day the teacher asks you to identify in writing everyone around you who you could sell a appartemen t even, in a second time, you could recruit as saleswomen st "Open was able to build a network with up to 5000
sellers, but 3500 to date which about 30% are from the army.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

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Bebetshows Friday economies, those responsible for our losses are legally obliged to compensate us in compensating us fairly. It is time the courts and the state are actually aware of our real situations and settle in their responsibilities. They should also be aware that a minority of profiteers Joel Fauchon
Published 10/12/2010 on real estate tax-free.
Heard for allegedly gouging in sales of tax-exempt property, the director of Omnium Finance, Xavier Chausson
, denounces ''settling of accounts' '.
Watch the video:

Imported by Abusimmo
Residence Disaster Management Open

Watch the video:


ruined by rogue developers by selling Robien
lapidary Evidence of ways to make the PROMOTERS refourgant ROBIEN Giroz by Claudy, president of the ADIM (Association for the Defence of investors and agents) and former advisor at the Toulouse Open promoter Finance. The main culprits sponsors cited: Omnium Finance, Akerys, Adomos, IFB and Prestige Finance. A qunzaine were nevertheless recorded by the association. Hear the show RMC: link: Bebetshows

commercial methods of Omnium Finance and Akerys interest justice

View document (with zoom)



View video

Link: v = 4KfID0TYR4Q & feature = related

zoom): Link:


0 dislike
Toulouse: A new social plan to finance Open Very rich information! Watch the video: Link:



Watch the video:

Link: = r7PwoYLuKoc & feature = related

ERBAFNERAK Show VIDEO: Link: & feature = related



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Scandal investments "Robien" a promoter Toulouse in custody view

Source: - 12/12/2010 estate tax exemption The founding president of group finance Open was heard Friday in the premises of the judicial police . Yet another case of alleged fraud on real estate tax-free products.

Copyright Reuters

Two new groups of tourist residences deposit balance

Group Harmony in receivership Rental investment: complaints multiply

EXCLUSIVE Thousands of rental investors may drink the cup

President founder of the Toulouse Open fiannce Xavier Chausson was remanded in custody to answer police investigators (PJ) on an alleged case of "fraud on a national scale" , according to the website of the daily "The Dispatch". Laws "Robien" and "Borloo" that offered a tax advantage for taxpayers in purchasing new property had in fact led to many abuses. Thousands of investors now find themselves owners of dwellings in areas with low rental market or in buildings affected by poor workmanship and must meet repayments free loan receive rent in the face. Several developers have been singled out for two years for their aggressive marketing methods. recently, as "Breaking News" Omnium two frameworks have been heard by the PJ , attended as witnesses. "We hope that through this hearing rumors of guilt stop," said yesterday Pierre Alberola, CEO of Open finance. addition to the "Robien" and "Borloo" tax exemption law "Demessine" (investment in tourist residences) has also led to numerous problems for investors, and bankruptcy on the part of managers. In his reading of the draft budget law (PLF), senators have also proposed to eliminate altogether the Act (Robien and Borloo is already cut since the onset of the law "Scelllier).

Nadine Jansen Break In

CEO of Open Financial heard as a witness - SURVEY - France 3 Sud: News Ariege, Aveyron, Haute-Garonne, Gers, Lot, Tarn and Garonne, Aude, Gard - France 3 Toulouse

CEO of Open Finance as a witness - SURVEY - France 3 Sud: News Ariege, Aveyron, Haute-Garonne, Gers, Lot, Tarn and Garonne, Aude, Gard - France 3

Friday, December 10, 2010

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Region: Omnium Finance: Chairman of the group in custody Toulouse

http://twitter. com/region2010/status/13201498620039169

Average Salary Crouse-hinds

OMNIUM FINANCE, Xavier Chausson CEO in custody omnium-financing-the-president-of-group-Toulouse-hold-a-view-62761099.html

Omnium Finance: Chairman of the group in custody Toulouse

Xavier Chausson, president and founder of the Toulouse Open finance. / Photo DDM, RG

OAS_AD ("position 1");

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

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It is time these robbers of our economies, we are legally obliged to compensate us fairly compensating

The Newshound
Once and for all that the state should establish frameworks more elaborate and clearly defined, in case the tax exemption remains. It would also be desirable to have a state agency overseeing and validating the successful completion of formation and execution, to better assure us and protect us. It would have black sheep among all those who crossed the yellow band knowingly publicly to the park are reclusive black sheep of the profession . It should, once and for all, that justice does not work on two measures, and removes criminal penalties for market this mess of pseudo professionals who continue to wreak havoc among new victims It is time these robbers of our
is dealt a huge setback

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is surprising that, the quiet disappearance of all "mercenaries,"

Robert 3:17 It is surprising that, the quiet disappearance of all "mercenaries," electrons away free claws and teeth to defend their retributive entities. They are trying to impose a hateful denial of our situations and to do to play the terrors of us on this forum. They had onty êtresifflés, and recalled to the garrison by their "paymasters". Mr William Aigledetolède, Ms Caffin ... have you been obedient to ...? Ily has certainly some who would have something to reproach himself on some issues? or else it gets really hot for these groups or any of them? Stay tuned.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

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not like you guys, intentions unhealthy


Hi pros traps suckers .. we have already given, then your lessons ...

These emissions have not been made to highlight the honest companies who do their work conscientiously and professionally, but to denounce those who do wrong! If it was not the case there would be no complainants, no newspaper articles and not guys like you, unhealthy intentions on this forum, a forum dedicated to VICTILMES. So anyone who wants deny it is their right, but it would compensate us first before they pretend to silence us. To ask them to a show that demonstrates that all are well, they are the finest and best, all others are null and there is no victim. We have the right to expression even if it does not please you. This too should be the victims of accidents or road to be censored to meet so and so, driving schools, insurance companies etc, you can dream ...

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on this forum is always the same mercenaries who come together to defend their own breaker panel. Would you

Terminator 5:15

bizard is, the amount of developers that exist on the land is still in lez same juggling of money, especially 2, the media discover things not appetizing at all or there forever turkeys of the (bad) joke. And I doubt that it is not always the same mercenaries who come together to defend their own breaker panel. But .. shh! must not say!

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the gang of "thugs" .. at all? It is the picturesque


Know of family members Giroz, is this a crime? However, the interests of a company can have summarily be the idea of his reputation and that is for ages sadly the media headlines, is this a reference? you can delete it whatever you storm. To each his own opinion. Mine, I do not hide under a nickname for vitioler. To not agree with him, I appreciated the transparency of Thomas Stephen .... but you do not have the same goals! You say: "The gang of thugs Image estate investment rental? NO, I forward information among many others. So you have more reason to put you in the tooth? Would you gang of "thugs" .. at all? . My comment is limited to ephemeral these words without any future controversy.

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!...( what is he talking about ?)

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Floup Floup Really, your idiocy is the height of your fillings!! That's the scenic!

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ourselves introduced business for banks, insurers

William 2:44
Mr Floup Floup
not know any of those cocktails that you mentioned. But hey, invite clients, potential clients at dinner parties, cocktail parties, events different banality is a full commercial matters. Have you ever been asked by your bank, regional economic chamber etc? Personally, in the real estate we often work with introducing brokers and we are even introduced business for banks, insurers. All this is common! No big deal.
For Anthony Robbins is a coach who uses many facets of psychology, among other
    this type of coach is very, very often used to conduct seminars to large business groups. But it true that the rates of its courses are exorbitant. But everyone is free to decide whether this investment is appropriate or not. personally not my cup of tea, I prefer the advice of my grandmother, just as relevant and much less expensive.

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    methods of mind control or you join the "circle" co-opted by a sponsor

  • Floup Floup
    Copyright Reuters
    Copyright Reuters
    Dear Guilaume About handling and use of the Facebook tool, I remember all these "wonderful" event presented Facebook by galaxy called COCKTAIL OPPPORTUNITE, or contributors to recruit evening affair, possibly connected ds a corner and a nice car or to admire the Porsche or Ferrari
    the galaxy. I speak not from the center of interest "The Secret" or "Tony Robbins", methods of mind control or you join the "circle" co-opted by a sponsor (like yours, ca e remember something ...) through training course and other rights of entry ....
    • Where Is The Vasque Sundowner Made ?

      The gang of "thugs picture of the rental property" comes from be unveiled in broad daylight!

      Sorry! December 3 The gang of "thugs image of rental housing" has just been unveiled in broad daylight! William thank you for this sense of observation, is decidedly more laughable ... at least we can be sure of the veracity of the messages sent before? I doubt it!

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    Where is the truth, if indeed there is one? Who handles that? Do you know

  • William Really interesting subject. I knew that this little affair. The show then this blog made me want to know a little more. Where is the truth, if indeed there is one? Who handles that? Clicking Mr Fauchon is reached on his facebook page ... and, surprise, his friends there GIROZ Mr Michel (husband?) And Mr Jamnet (see msg on this blog)! These interventions
    December 3
    be coordinated?
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    OPEN MANAGEMENT JYLOGE say otherwise.

    Joel Fauchon
    December 3
  • OPEN MANAGEMENT JYLOGE say otherwise.
    Decidedly ...!!! Do you know

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more donors than tenants who complain

William Amazing, it seems Forum on France 2 "special envoy" there is more donors than tenants who complain!
3 December

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systematic inability to have an official OPEN

December 3
response to Mr Stephen Thomas, his comment: I can confirm that ... etc. And to deal with difficulties of its investment, you say what? And the so-called service that was established to help the 2.5% of investors whose investment has gone into barigoule, you say what? how they are attached? As for the canvassing
my advise is 100% sure that it is a scam and pure personal profit that was his motivation. Omnium is a machine to make money without ethics!

December 2, 2010 9:25

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still a story about big money for the benefit of:

them again!
December 3

rental contracts fooled
Video: -video = rhozet_envoyespecial_20101202_232_03122010021705_F2

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Our selection to -15%

Discover the titles selected by your bookstores this weekend! Books for all styles at low prices. You can spot them their color chips!

In youth, the selection goes to Anouk Ricard Pacovska through a great teen novel published Naïve ..

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Why Do Some Respirometers Need More Oxygen

FINALLY a report on the methods of the mafia and other trustees unscrupulous lenders !

Contents subject to change according to the news
clauses in unfair or illegal leases, non-refunded bonds, charges overpaid, now tenants are still not safe from unscrupulous landlords. The offer is less than the demand, some estate agents or lenders do not hesitate to take advantage of the situation. They have yet storefront. Some are well known professionals that penalize tenants. So how tenants can protect themselves from such abuse? What are the pitfalls? Posted on 02-12-2010 at 9:48:28 p.m.
No questions ask, but a big thank you for this story!
I hope that many tenants honest cheated and now dare to react against unscrupulous lenders.
(And my sentence implies that he is unfortunately also dishonest tenants and landlords happily honest!) Posted 02-12-2010 at 10:49:57 p.m. FINALLY a report on the methods of the mafia donors and other trustees dishonest! Unfortunately I have lived ALL "irregularities" presented during a 3-year lease with the same landlord, signing the lease until the court ruling in my favor! Not to mention the bullying that my ex-landlord and his agent inflicted on me every day since the day receipt of the subpoena in court! Message Abusos, log me in private please:

Saturday, October 9, 2010

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The bible of pop-ups available again

The book by David Carter and James Diaz, "Pop-up art and technology" is available again! To all the budding engineers paper, discover this wonderful book published in French by Editions Milan.
Price: 32 euros.

Monday, August 9, 2010

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Munari / Mari

few books and Bruno Munari, whose beautiful book published by the Three Bears on all books published by the artist Italian!
Iela Mari has also distinguished by very fine without text books, including "Hap, Hap .." out of print but available in French in the Dutch version in Tropismes Youth!

"Books Bruno Munari" Giorgio Maffei, The Three Bears, 43 euros.
"Hap, Hap ..." Iela of Mari, De Vries de Brouwer, 9.50 euros.
Lots of other titles available in store, and soon books editions Corraini enrich our selection!

Friday, August 6, 2010

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The bibs Miss Ball with new prints! Soon in bookshops

Miss Ball has spoiled us with new bibs printed vintage very cute. Find them in two different formats!

Saturday, July 31, 2010

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After the letters, Marion Bataille tackles figures .. always with great talent!
Publication of "Ten" in September!

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Invitation to Travel

A small corner dedicated to holidays and travel of all kinds!
Discovering capitals with superb albums Sasek (New York, Paris, Rome etc ...), a world tour with our favorite bear stickers Mouk, an introduction to English with beautiful editions of books ABC Melody .. and also full of activity books to bring in your luggage!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

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India again!

After "A mud-colored sari," I tackled another novel published this year by the School of Leisure, "The path of Saraswati" by Claire Ubac. The action is always in India, but the time is not the same, when in a "mud-colored Sari" we met Leela in the 20s, here we follow the unusual fate of Jesse in the India today. Many years have passed, but prejudices die hard in India, and his mother died early that Jesse has had the misfortune born girl is rejected by his family and ends up running away to find his father went to work in Bombay. This novel is the story of a journey, the quest for Jesse and his friend Murugan India through a multifaceted, both attached to its traditions but also economically booming ..
A superb novel to read in 13 years!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

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Just before summer, a selection of books for children and teens

My first nursery rhymes to sleep well, sweet little baby massage. Nathan, 14,95 euros. This book
any cardboard with rounded edges, designed for babies, is accompanied by a CD of nursery rhymes, music for relaxation and small noise Nature. On every page, information for parents to help them properly prepare baby for sleep. Very nice illustrations
Geraldine Cosneau make this book a beautiful object.

A book, Herve Tullet, Bayard Jeunesse, € 10.90.
Hervé Tullet takes us by boat, and does it well! What surprises in this "interactive book"! The back cover warns, "This is a book you do like he tells you and you'll see ..." Just follow the instructions of the author and see the result on the next page, and it a hit every time!! Big and small twist of laughter! "A book" to offer everyone from 4 years!

Activity Books to bring on your trip

Notebook mops, Actes Sud Junior, 12.90 EUR
A book to write in short .. A travel book to fill, such as large, with his holiday memories ... but also a wealth of ideas that invite the child to the observation, imagination, writing ...
To put in all baggage, from 7 years!

The animals in a swimsuit, a set of Janik Coat and Delphine La Sardine, Helium, 14,50 euros.
five different games with cards and dice game of speed, observation, family .. A really cute design, rhinoceroses, bears, elephants, are decked out in cute little suits of all colors .. BopIt a pretty easy to carry, to play with your children at the pool, before making the big splash!
From 4 years.

Novels teenagers to devour this summer

A mud-colored sari, Kashmira Sheth, Ecole des Loisirs, Medium, 11 euros.
In India 20s, there is worse than being untouchable .. Is a widow. Married 10 years, widowed at 13, Leela will live like a living dead .. No more pretty bracelets and colored saris, Leela is doomed to deal with a "mud-colored sari" and wear the head shaved. Forced to live imprisoned for a year, it will nevertheless help Saviben, his school principal to libertarian ideas, his brother, educated young man determined to help his sister to become ANYONE ... And then there is a Gandhiji sure that begins to be talked about throughout India and by challenging awareness and traditions will hope to Leela.
is a sublime novel that immerses us in the daily life of an Indian family at a time when traditions began to change, where the Indians take their destiny, and refuse the arbitrary measures imposed by the British .. A lesson in courage that the story of the girl against her condemned to a life of sorrow and humiliation.
For teens and adults!

Vango, Timothy Fombelle, Gallimard, 16 euros.
wow, this is the first word that came to my mouth after reading of this fantastic adventure novel, signed by Timothy Fombelle, author of the already famous Tobias Lolness. It is a novel that offers us breathless with a gallery of incredible .. What a trip, Vango takes us to Notre Dame in Paris, at the foot of the cliffs of the Aeolian Islands, in the air aboard a zeppelin ... All this at a time when history rushes .. The action begins in 1936, and war is not far. Endearing and mysterious hero, knows Vango threatened but also seeks to reconstruct the puzzle of her young life ..
From 13 years.

Friday, May 28, 2010

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Dedication Marianne Kauffman for "Gloria goes to the essential"

us this Saturday, June 5 Marianne Kaufmann for his new album "Gloria goes to the essential." Again, this is a condensed twirling slice of life between children, parents, friends, urban life and aesthetic concerns, served by a nimble and delicate brush and dialogues tasty and impulsive. Marianne
therefore share his verve and brushwork in Tropismes, between 15h and 18h, and we invite you to discover this charming author who will win your sympathy by his joie de vivre and her sparkling humor.