Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Jackson Hewittholidayloan


The group has existed since April 2, 2008. The collective is a group of poorly housed that organize a social struggle. All-housed with an interest and a goal: getting housing. The meeting
inadequate housing builds a strong demand for group homes and obtain for each memebres. Where an ill-housed is weak when alone, he becomes strong when united with others.


HOUSING: is called social housing accommodation built or purchased with the assistance of the State. These dwellings would normally revert to poor housing, low-wage workers, the unemployed, pensioners with low pensions and the disabled. When is a tenant in public housing, is forever. The authority prefers to allocate the majority of people with good incomes.

A dwelling by the struggle, why is it that is something to fight? These struggles

allow two things:
1. Obtain housing for members of the collective. Our first goal is to improve our way of life immediatepar decent housing.
2. Constrain the powers to produce more public housing for the working poor, the unemployed and persons in difficulty (pensioners, disabled, etc ...)
In fighting for us today, we build the future.

Fighting for housing demand of energy and we must make some available. But it's hard! Some say! If having a home was an easy thing, we would have all one and our group would not need to exist.

When Paris will cover collective inadequately housed, the city council and government change of housing policy. What was impossible becomes possible.

The town hall and the prefecture are awarded by the housing commission. It's the people in these committees who decide the allocation of housing. Our struggle is to let us know and push us to assign housing.


COMMISSION: Meeting of representatives of the city hall, prefecture and associations (associations paid by the government, therefore obedience) that decide the allocation of housing. There is no transparency in these committees, we do not know what it says or why an application is refused. Cases of corruption found prove that these commissions can be influenced.

is Finally, does it work?

Yes, many members of the group have been rehoused in a few months old. But nobody can say how long it takes.

How did we fight in the group?

The overall goal of the group is to build a power struggle with the government.

FORCE REPORT: All social struggles are power relationships, strikes, protests, union of workers or to force the poor to be able to hear us. Paid leave, social security, improving our conditions are the balance of power built in the past. In 1998, for example, thousands of unemployed people are engaged and have occupied the ANPE and ASSEDIC after that, the power to create the Christmas bonus for the unemployed and the RMI (supplement to the stipend)

to force them to take into account the housing requirements of the working poor. The group therefore seeks its permanent building, its number and its dévellopement ability to compel public authorities, municipalities, prefectures and donors to allocate social housing.

SOCIAL LANDLORDS: Organizations social landlords (housing), public housing means low-income housing ..

The Collective believes that poor housing must organize themselves and each other in the fight to advance their personal and collective.
A collective of evil which is housed log fort is a group that many: many poorly housed scares governments (municipal and prefecture).


The more poorly housed will be organized, strong and influential, most governments seek to satisfy them.

The collective status of the badly-housed control is a non-declared. The Collective of inadequately housed in Struggle is legal, its actions are legal even though it greatly upset the authorities and elected officials in their work.

Membership, dues, how one joins, how much does it cost?

There is no fee to join or sign a document. Membership is by regular participation in the life of the collective and development. To join you must be in housing problems, it must file a registration as a housing for the City of Paris.

The group meets weekly (except holiday) on Saturday at the Bourse du Travail de Paris 3, rue de Water Tower in Paris 10, République.

THE LABOUR MARKET is the place to gather and organize trade unions of employees in Paris, the labor exchange is a place where workers gather for 120 years to organize, to struggle together and win the fight and solidarity. The labor exchange tool for those that are closer to combat.

The meeting is at 14:00 for newcomers who want to know the collective. The meeting of members of the collective is the day to 15 hours.

welcome new members
It is important to be pnctuel and appear regularly at this meeting to receive new members and interested individuals. It is the strength of the group that gives confidence to new members.

Life and strengthening of collective
The group has four business sectors to work:

-Secretary-Organization and Action

A sector is in Foreign Relations project (press relations, contact number), a sector will égalemnt training day to train people specifically to knowledge of social housing, negotiation and the history of struggles for housing. Activists better trained are more effective and safer for them.

To contact the collective:

Niche Académie